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Visit with Us
Sunday Services
(online only)
Monday Night Study Group (online only)
Thursday Meditation Cleansing and Transference Class
(online only)
Phone: 1-800-279-0175

Our Sunday Service is composed of Meditation, Tai Chi Movements, Chanting, and Wisdom Teaching, that will heal, restore, inspire, and empower you.
The use of incense, lighting techniques, crystal singing bowls, mantras, and music all nestled in the natural environment of our center, will relax and rejuvenate you.
You will love our bookstore full of natural resin, oils, crystals, power/healing sprays, books and many other indigenous gifts to enhance and empower your life.
Complete with vegetarian meals after service, and the gathering of children to play on the more than 2 acres available on the property, the experience is one you will want again and again.

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