Minister of Bio-Vibrational Therapy
The Minister of Bio-Vibrational Therapy facilitates the repair for the Human bio-electrical system through redistribution of the supernatural energy of the Divine Source (IAM). Vishnu leads this practice which takes place during Sunday service and the practice is also facilitated by the Acharya during MCT classes. The process is called Cleansing and Transference. This work is an amalgamation of qigong and reiki, meditative prayer, contemplation and other spiritual practices. On the mental level this process cleanses the subconscious mind of those memories, idiosyncrasies and negative emotions that might be used to create an unpleasant material experience. On the cellular level, regenerative energy is distributed thus raising the bio-frequency of the student, resulting in renewal of the mind, body, and spirit.
As the Minister of Agriculture, Vishnu Khensu provides leadership on food, agriculture, natural resources, rural development, nutrition, and related issues based on Center policy, the best available science, and effective management. The Minister of Agriculture has a vision to provide economic opportunity through innovation, helping Center agricultural projects to thrive and to preserve our natural resources through conservation, restored vegetation, improved drainage, and healthy working lands.
Vishnu Khensu became a student of Bio-Vibrational Science in 2014 after searching for a place and space like it for twelve years. After a rigorous mental and physical martial arts belt training program Vishnu was promoted to the position of a Waab. After that office Vishnu became a Disciple of Bio-Vibrational Science, and currently holds this position in addition to being the Minister of Agriculture. Disciples are Scientists who have been ordained as Ministers in the Center for Bio-Vibrational Science and are vested with the rights assigned by the State to conduct ministerial duties on behalf of the organization including the performing of duties relating to marriage, funerals, and other ministerial operatives. They are also assigned to give Jnana and speak on behalf of the organization.
Vishnu is a United States Postal Service worker and has been for over forty years. He is the father of five children, two daughters and three sons. He also has three grandchildren. He received a Cosmetology license in 1994.